
Lets Moove

Do you have questions that the website hasn’t answered? Please fill in the form to ask us any questions and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible or you can message us on our social media pages.

Contact Details

  • Johannesburg Office

    12 Charles Crescent, Kramerville, Sandton, 2031

  • Cape Town Office

    12 Dacres Avenue, Epping Industrial 2, Cape Town.

  • WhatsApp No


  • 24/7 Emergency Roadside Assistance

    Call: 0861 11 1 079
    Whatsapp: 0644854392

  • 24/7 Emergency for Vehicle Recovery:

    Call: 011 654 8050

  • Alternative Emergency Number:

    Strictly for emergencies, refrain from
    calling this number for other reasons. Call: 083 683 7382

  • Trading Hours

    Monday – Friday: 9am – 5:30pm
    Saturday: 8am - 12:00pm
    Closed on Public Holidays

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